“MTEP has provided not only a great training opportunity for the aspiring manager who goes to another agency but also for those employees in our organization who fill in behind the MTEP participant. Learning opportunities are thus provided for up to three or four people to get new experiences.”
“I would recommend MTEP to a colleague who wants to obtain a great deal of experience in a 3-month period of time.”
“Participation in MTEP provides hands on experience with your fellow government colleagues that you can’t get elsewhere. The projects you work on are not only valuable to the agency, but to you as a great skill building opportunity.”
“I would recommend this program to someone who has specific career goals and needs exposure to an organization or experience that they cannot get in their own organization in order to achieve those goals.”

“MTEP is especially helpful to those preparing for division head, department head, or assistant department head positions. In these roles we need to be flexible, think long term, and be sensitive to perception and impact beyond a single work area.”