Agency Information
Participants passing the application process will be placed in a host agency for three months with special projects to complete, giving small and medium sized
local government agencies the opportunity to build capacity and develop a generation of talented, prepared
leaders. The program is designed specifically to prepare the next generation of senior managers in public agencies and is an excellent opportunity for employees to gain essential skills for maximum career potential.
Send a Participant
Identify star performers in your organization who have the potential to enter or advance in senior management and recommend them to the program.
Why send a participant?
- As a succession planning initiative.
- Provide your staff with development opportunities via backfilling for the three-month vacancy.
- Promote employee engagement.
- Be recognized as an agency that values leadership and development opportunities. Home agency commitment: $1,000 fee, submit recommendation form, attend November MTEP graduation.
Host a participant
Host an MTEP participant by submitting an application after identifying potential projects for the exchange participant to complete.
Why host?
- Get those critical projects completed.
- Get an outside perspective on your work.
- Foster regional talent.
- Be recognized as an agency that values leadership and development opportunities.
Host agency commitment: $1,000 fee, submit a brief online assignment description by May 19, attend kick-off meeting, prepare for arrival of MTEP participant, coach participant, attend program graduation
Application Timeline
Application Period:
May 1 - June 12, 2025
Notifcation of Placements:
Kick-off Meeting:
August 21
September 1 - November 28
MTEP Graduation
November 28
The Host Toolkit
Part I: Program Forms – Required
Forms are to be submitted to the program coordinator by the designated due date
Part II: Tools for Getting Started – Resources
To support you in hosting your MTEP participant